编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2018-10-12 15:36:39
Priority chemicals - Management化学品优先管理。
Strategic priority for your customer顾客优先的战略措施。
What is your organization's approach to managing priority chemicals in your products?
A- We ensure legal and regulatory compliance.选项A:我们确保遵从法律和法规
B- In addition to (A), we have programs with goals to prioritize and continuously reduce, eliminate, or restrict the use of priority chemicals in our products using various tools and protocols to make informed substitutions of the identified substances.
C- In addition to (B), we publicly disclose our goals and progress concerning the reduction, elimination, or restriction of priority chemicals in our products.
Product design产品设计。
Does your organization formally assess resource conservation and material and process efficiency as part of product design?
A- We do not consider all of these factors during product design.选项A:在产品设计的期间我们没有考虑所有的这些因素。
B- We provide designers tools and training enabling them to optimize all of these factors during product design.选项B:我们为设计师提供工具和培训使他们能够在产品设计过程中优化所有这些因素。
C- In addition to B, we have established goals to address all of these factors and publicly report our progress toward those goals.选项C:除了选项B,我们已经制定了目标来解决所有这些因素并公开报告我们朝着这些目标的进展。
D- In addition to (C), we can demonstrate quantified environmental impact reduction as a result of this design process for the following percent of products, by mass in the last twelve months:选项D:除了选项C,在过去的12个月里,我们可以通过这个设计过程来演示量化的环境影响的减少。
Recycled content回收利用。
Strategic priority for your customer
What is the ratio of the mass recycled fiber to the total mass of fiber used in your final products?
A- We are unable to determine at this time.选项A:目前不确定。
B- We are unable to report the following for our products选项B:我们无法对我们的产品报道一下内容。
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