编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2018-10-12 15:19:18
Synthetic material sourcing 合成材科采购。
What percentage of your synthetic material supply was traced to the production facility of origin covered by a veri fiablecomprehensive plan for managing facility environmental impacts, and covered by a verifiable comprehensive plan for facilitysocial impact.
你的合成材料供应的多少百分比是由一个 可验证的综合计划所覆盖的生产设施,该计划涵盖了对设施环境影响的管理,并涵盖了一个可验证的综合计划,用于社会影响。
A- Not applicable. Our products do not contain any synthetic material materials. 选项A:不适用。我们产品不含任何的合成材料。
B- We are unable to determine at this time 选项B:我们目前不能确定。
C- We are able to report the following for our synthetic material supply: 选项C: 我们可以报告如下的合成材料供应:
______% of oursynthetic material supply, by mass, was traced to production facility of origin.
______%ofoursynthetic material supply, by mass, was covered by a veri fiable comprehensive plan for managing farm levelenvironmental impacts .
______%ofour synethic material supply, by mass, was coveredby averi fiable comprehensive planf orfarmlevel socialimpacts.
我们合成材料供应的多少百分比,按质量,被一个 可验证的综合计划或农业水平的社会影响所覆盖。
Wool and down sourcing羊毛和羽绒采购。
What percentage of wool and dowm supply by mass, was traced to the animal farm operation of origin and had certi ficationsar verifiable, regularly conducted audits for animal welfare and environmental impacts.
A- Not applicable. We do not use wool or down in any of our products选项A:不适用。我们在任何产品中都不使用羊毛或羽绒。
B- We are unable to. determine at this time选项B:我们目前不能确定。
C- We are able to report the following for our wool and dom sourcing supply: 选项C: 科门可以报告如下的羊毛和羽绒供应:
______% of our wool and downsupply, by mass, was traced to the animal farm operation of origin.
______% of our wool and down supply, by mass, was traced to the animal farm operation of origin.
______% of our wool and down supply, by mass, was covered by current comprehensive certification for farm level environmental impacts or by verifiable, reglarly conducted audits for farm level environmental impacts.
______% of our wool and down supply, by mass, was covered by current comprehensive animal welfare certification or by verifiable, reglarly conducted animal welfare audits environmental impacts.
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