编辑:中国验厂网 来源:中国验厂网 日期: 2009-04-29 17:25:48
Obsolescence management 备品备件的管理
The organization shall establish a process to ensure,for the defined and agreed product life cycle,the availability of the supplied products and spare parts。
Has the organization established a process to guarantee for the defined and agreed product life cycle the availability of the supplied products and spare parts?
“Poor” There is a documented record of the installed products at a component level Design life documented at component level。Reactive approach to obsolescence management 对安装的产品,在零件级水平上有文件化的记录。在零件级水平上有文件化的设计寿命。被动的方法应对备品备件的管理。
“Defined”The organization established a process to guarantee for the defined and agreed products life cycle the availability of the supplied products and spare parts:Complete documented record of installed product base。Complete design life data at component level。Obsolescence Management Plan active。组织建立了程序,确保在确定的和协议的产品生命周期中所供的产品和备品备件的供应,所安装产品的完整的文件化记录。完整的零件设计寿命数据。动态的备品备件管理计划。
Has the organization established a process to guarantee for the defined and agreed product life cycle the availability of the supplied products and spare parts?
“Qualified”Plus:Obsolescence Management Plan active covering-Second source strategy-storage approach-form,fit and function compatibility approach。Proactive communication with customer in risk Management
加上:动态的备品备件管理计划,包括:备用供方战略-库存 方法-形式,尺寸和功能兼容方法。在风险管理上与顾客主动沟通。
“Optimized”Plus:Technical survey and full traceability of the equipment allowing to anticipate customer needs to provide an alternative solution functionally tested。加上:设备的技术调研和全追溯性来预测顾客需求,以提供经过功能测试的潜代方案。
The organization shall have a documented procedure in place to cover all the aspects of RAMS activities(e.g.calculation,documentation,data collection,improvement action plans etc…)。In addition the organization shall have a process in place to manage LCC。
Resources shall be in place to address the RAMS/LCC requirements。
RAMS/LCC data collection and analysis shall be supported by return of experience from operation during and after warranty period and continuously improved(see section 8)。
NOTE 1 LCC process may be part of cost Management process。
NOTE 2 RAMS/LCC processes have to be in line with the standard CENELEC EN50126
注2:RAMS/LCC过程必须与CENELEC EN50126标准相一致。
Does the organization have a documented procedure in place to cover all the aspects of RAMS and process in place to manage LCC activities?
“Poor” RAMS/LCC activities carried out where requested by customers
“Defined”Documented procedure in place covering RAMS activities and process in place to manage LCC。Documented procedure/Process includes-Data collection(in-house of external)-Data calculation and estimation-DATA analysis-Data use(offer,design,change Management)
“Qualified”Plus:indicators about Process efficiency
Are resources in place to address the RAMS/LCC requirements
“Poor”External resources carrying out RAMS/LCC activities
“Defined”Dedicated and skilled internal resources using adequate tools
“Qualified”Plus: Involvement customers
Is RAMS/LCC data collection and analysis supported by feedback from operation during warranty period?
“Poor” Some data collection and analysis on products and systems for some projects
“Defined”Data collection and analysis are supported by feedback from operation after warranty period
“Qualified”Plus:Failure category and component allocation and impact(remedy & severity)
“Optimized”Plus:Root cause analysis
Is RAMS/LCC data collection and analysis supported by feedback from operation after warranty period
“Poor”Some data collection and analysis on products and systems for some projects
“Defined”Data collection and analysis are supported by feedback from operation after warranty period
“Qualified”Plus:Data collected and analyzed to re-assess RAMS/LCC performances and feedback for design improvement
“Optimized”Plus:A systematic Process for data collection and analysis is implemented,monitored and continuously improved to enhance RAMS/LCC performances
Closed Questions 封闭式问题
Two possible scores:两种可能分数(0,2)
Answer to question 对问题的回答 |
Is the requirement met? 是否满足要求? |
Point 分数 |
YES 是 |
Met 满足 |
2 |
NO 否 |
Not met 不满足 |
0 |
Compliance 符合性 |
Level 等级 |
Points 分数 |
Action requested 要求措施 | |
Open questions 开放式问题项 |
Closed questions 封闭式问题项 | |||
Compliant 符合 |
Optimized 优秀 |
4 |
no specific action expected 审核中没有更高的改进要求被提出 |
Qualified 合格 |
3 |
Improvement action might be expected 可能要求采取改进措施 |
| |
Defined 满足 |
2 |
Improvement action requested;Closed within 12 months 被要求采取改进措施,并在12个月内关闭改进项 |
No specific action expected 审核中没有更高的改进要求被提出 |
Compliance 符合性 |
Level 等级 |
Points 分数 |
Action requested 要求措施 | |
Open questions 开放式问题项 |
Closed questions 封闭式问题项 | |||
Non Compliant 不符合 |
Poor 差 |
1 |
Corrective action requested;Closed within 90 days 被要求采取纠正措施,并在90天内关闭整改项。 |
Insufficient 不满足 |
0 |
Corrective action requested;Re-Audit within 90 days 被要求采取纠正措施,并在90天内接受重审。 |
Corrective action requested;Re-Audit within 90 days 被要求采取纠正措施,并在90天内接受重审。 |
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