编辑:中国验厂网 来源:本站原创 日期: 2010-01-04 09:13:56
Kohl’s considers the following violations to be “Zero Tolerance”
1. Wages & Benefits
a. Prolonged non-payment of wages
2. Child Labor
a. Current Child Labor
3. Prison / Forced Labor
a.Workers imprisoned / locked in factory.
b. Use of bonded, forced, or prison labor.
c. Withholding passports or work permits.
4. Disciplinary Practices
a. Physical punishment or abuse.
b. Sexual harassment.
c. Locking workers in dormitories
5. Woman’s rights
a. Pregnancy testing
6. Health & Safety
a. Very severe danger which may lead to fatality
7. Access Denied
a. Upon physical visit
b. Via the telephone

- 总部联系方式
- 电 话:021-51029391
- 电 话:400-680-0016
- 地 址:上海市嘉定区南翔镇银翔路655号
- 昆山分公司:18601606556---林经理
- 地 址:昆山市花桥国际商务区兆丰路18号亚太广场1号楼9楼
- 泉州分公司:0595-28069596---周经理
- 地 址:福建省泉州市温陵南路144号蟠龙大厦17D
- 宁波分公司:13615883698---周经理
- 山东分公司:18601606221---谢经理
- 温州办事处:18605772928----周经理
- 广东办事处:18601606206----周经理
- 企业邮箱:chaowang@tranwin.org