编辑:中国验厂网 来源:中国验厂网 日期: 2008-05-23 17:02:31
Ⅰ. Wage & Time工资工时
1. Acceptable timing records可接受的考勤记录:
①. IC swipe card timing records
②. Paper card timing records with signatures from employees monthly.
③. Manual timing records with accurate starting and ending time (including overtime recording), and signed by employees daily.
2. Notice in timecard preparing准备工卡时注意:
①. There should be no 7 consecutive working day records
③. Total work days, total overtime hours and total overtime hours on rest days should be clearly stated in the timecard for easy checking.
③. The total overtime hours should not exceed 36 hours per month if the factory has no Overtime Waiver from local labor bureau; On condition that the factory has got the document from the labor bureau, the overtime hours can reach as much as 72 hours per month (Regular 8 hours plus 2 hours of overtime from Monday to Friday, 8 hours for Saturday and rest on Sunday).
若没有向劳动局申请延长加班的批文,则加班时间每月不能超过36小时,若申请加班批文后,每月加班 时间可以达到72小时(周一至周五,每天正常上班8小时,加班2小时,周六加班8小时,周日休息).
④. There should be no united timing records on timecards, i.e., unvaried starting time and ending time for several consecutive days for the several employees.
3. Payroll工资表
It is suggested that the payroll is calculated on the basis of timerate which is easier to be carried out, while piece-rate pay is troublesome, especially the overtime pay of piece-rate.
①. The payroll form can be designed in accordance with practical situations, but overtime compensation should be separated from regular working time pay.
②. Close attention should be paid to deductions in payroll, if any. For example: each worker will be deducted RMB 100 per month as housing charge. Now supposed 8 workers share a room, then the factory will charge every room RMB 800 per month. If the local rent of room at the same level is more than RMB 800/month, then the deduction in this factory is reasonable; if the local rent of room at the same level is less than RMB 800/month, then the deduction is unreasonable, and the factory has to reduce the deduction until acceptable.
③. There should be signatures on the payroll from workers.
④. Date indicating wage paid should be clearly stated on the cover of payroll. Wage must be paid every month within 30 days. Example: Wage of July must be paid before August 30th.
Ⅰ. Wage & Time工资工时
1. Acceptable timing records可接受的考勤记录:
①. IC swipe card timing records
②. Paper card timing records with signatures from employees monthly.
③. Manual timing records with accurate starting and ending time (including overtime recording), and signed by employees daily.
2. Notice in timecard preparing准备工卡时注意:
①. There should be no 7 consecutive working day records
③. Total work days, total overtime hours and total overtime hours on rest days should be clearly stated in the timecard for easy checking.
③. The total overtime hours should not exceed 36 hours per month if the factory has no Overtime Waiver from local labor bureau; On condition that the factory has got the document from the labor bureau, the overtime hours can reach as much as 72 hours per month (Regular 8 hours plus 2 hours of overtime from Monday to Friday, 8 hours for Saturday and rest on Sunday).
若没有向劳动局申请延长加班的批文,则加班时间每月不能超过36小时,若申请加班批文后,每月加班 时间可以达到72小时(周一至周五,每天正常上班8小时,加班2小时,周六加班8小时,周日休息).
④. There should be no united timing records on timecards, i.e., unvaried starting time and ending time for several consecutive days for the several employees.
3. Payroll工资表
It is suggested that the payroll is calculated on the basis of timerate which is easier to be carried out, while piece-rate pay is troublesome, especially the overtime pay of piece-rate.
①. The payroll form can be designed in accordance with practical situations, but overtime compensation should be separated from regular working time pay.
②. Close attention should be paid to deductions in payroll, if any. For example: each worker will be deducted RMB 100 per month as housing charge. Now supposed 8 workers share a room, then the factory will charge every room RMB 800 per month. If the local rent of room at the same level is more than RMB 800/month, then the deduction in this factory is reasonable; if the local rent of room at the same level is less than RMB 800/month, then the deduction is unreasonable, and the factory has to reduce the deduction until acceptable.
③. There should be signatures on the payroll from workers.
④. Date indicating wage paid should be clearly stated on the cover of payroll. Wage must be paid every month within 30 days. Example: Wage of July must be paid before August 30th.
Ⅲ. Social Insurance社会保险
①. Insurance categories include: endowment insurance, occupational injury insurance, unemployment insurance, hospitalization insurance and maternity insurance.
②. If the facility is incapable to buy all the five insurances for all employees (i.e., insufficient insurance categories or not all employees insured), then the factory must provide the following documents for verification:
A. Proof buying insurance for employees—after tax receipt or insurance-paid receipt from authorized bank.
B. Proved document offered by the local government saying that your factory has purchased insurance for employees as required. The document must clearly state that how many categories of insurances the factory has bought for how many employees and that this action has fully met the requirements from local government.
a. 为员工买保险的交费证明—完税证/银行交费单。
b. 当地政府部门开具的证明,证明工厂已按当地的要求为员工购买保险,证明应清楚说明为多少员工和购买了那些险种,已符合当地政府的要求。
Ⅳ. Factory Regulations工厂的规章制度
①. If any worker violates factory regulations, no fines should be made. It is best to give oral education, warning, etc.
②. No money or certificates should be required as “Deposits” by the factory.
③. Annual leave with pay is suggested to be stipulated in the factory regulations and be reflected in the payroll. 5 days for over one-year but under five-year workers; 7 days for over five-year but under ten-year workers; 10 days for over ten-year but under twenty-year workers and 14 days for over twenty-year workers.
- 相关文章
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