编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2019-03-04 14:43:19
The textile and apparel industry, which includes fibres and textilesfor technical and apparel production, is one of the world’s most im-portant and highly integrated global markets. As the world popula-tion increases, consumption of textiles and apparel products alsoincrease. This influences numerous industries within the serviceand extractive sectors. For example, the textile industry has stronglinks to energy, water, chemicals, petroleum, agriculture and con-sumer products as well as to the retail, transport, leisure, sportsand high fashion segments of the economy.
All textile production influences society and the environment. In-creasingly, the textile industry has recognised and is taking respon-sibility for the impacts of their activities in these areas. Voluntarythird-party certification of sustainability efforts and performancehas become an important part of creating and communicating valueand transparency by textile firms. There is a clear need for betterreporting and certification systems to communicate more clearlyhow textile factories are addressing the reduction of environmentaland social challenges while increasing efficiencies in social, envi-ronmental and economic performance.

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