编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2019-04-01 15:48:23
Supplier Compliance Audit Network,英文缩写SCAN,翻译是供应商合规审核。由美国大大小小的进出口商成立的一个行业协会。 SCAN验厂的目标是减少供应链安全审核,让进口商可以共享审核报告信息。沃尔玛、家得宝是其中之一。
Effective May 1, 2015, Global Security Operations (GSO) will begin a transition of the Walmart Supply Chain Security Program for the U.S. Market to the Supply Compliance Audit Network (SCAN).
This program change serves to standardize the Facility Security Audit process and minimize redundant and unnecessary audits.SCAN is an industry trade association comprised of U.S. importers, both large and small, with a mission to reduce or eliminate repetitive security audits through a shared audit program that utilizes mutually accepted global compliance standards, with consistent expectations, and builds upon recognized best practices.
上篇文章: SCAN反恐验厂——预审问卷(三)

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