编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2018-11-20 13:55:26
期待已久的 RWS认证 审核清单来啦!
Introduction - RWS Implementation Manual
This manual will be updated regularly to address areas of uncertainty or to give furtherdetail in the application of the standard. It is up to all users of the standard to regularlycheck for the most current version of the manual found at Themanual will not change or alter any criteria of the standard, but rather is intended tosupport correct and consistent application of the standard.
The RWS Implementation Manual provides interpretations and clarifications for theResponsible Wool Standard (RWS). All guidance given in the manual shall be consideredbinding to Certification Bodies (CB) working with, and Organizations certified to, theResponsible Wool Standard. For interpretations and clarifications regarding the ContentClaim Standard please refer to the CCS Implementation Manual.
CBs are to use the guidance and assessment requirements found in the current version ofthe RWS Implementation Manual for their clients at the time of their Certification.
Whenever there is an update to the manual, TE will inform all CBs and Organizations willbe assessed against the new version of the manual during their next annual Certification.
If it is a significant change, TE will communicate to CBs that they shall communicate to allCertified Organizations that changes should be made as soon as possible, but will notrequire compliance with the newly added requirements until their next annualcertification.

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