编辑:中国验厂网 来源:原创 日期: 2019-08-07 15:37:33
A 或 B 级:
除非需要进行跟进审核,正常情况下BSCI 全面审核在2年内有效。在这种情况下,工厂的总评级是A或B级。
C、D 或 E 级:
若跟进审核结果表明有改进(例如获评A或B 级),最新的审核结果将保持有效至原全审到期日为止。
若跟进审核结果是 C、D 或E级,该跟进审核结果有效期到下一次跟进审核期为止。
Rating A or B:
BSCI full audits are valid for 2 years, unless follow-up audits are to be conducted. This is the case for factories that receive an overall rating of A or B.
Factories rated A and B are eligible to receive a Random Unannounced Check in the period between the two full audits.
Rating C, D or E:
When a factory receives an overall rating of C, D or E after a full audit, the factory has to submit improvement plan through the platform (According to operation guidance of following page), this audit is valid until the follow-up audit is conducted.
The follow-up audit shall be conducted on the date defined in the Remediation Plan but it can only take place up to a maximum of 12 months after the last audit。
If the result of the follow-up audit shows improvements (A or B rating) then the audit is valid until the full audit is due。

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- 苏州分公司:吴江区盛泽镇福建路205号
- 绍兴柯桥分公司:柯桥区禹会路555号中银国际大厦1208室
- 泉州分公司:0595-28069596---周经理
- 手机:18759967995
- 地 址:福建省泉州市温陵南路144号蟠龙大厦17D
- 宁波分公司:13615883698---周经理
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