编辑:中国验厂网 来源:本站原创 日期: 2015-04-24 16:12:50
Ethical Business Behaviour商业道德行为
13.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee actively opposes any act of corruption, extortion or embezzlement, or in any form of bribery in its activities as a business enterprise?
13.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee keeps accurate information regarding its own activities, structure and performance?
13.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee takes the necessary measures to not being involved in falsifying information related to the activities, structure and performance nor in any act of misrepresentation in the supply chain? YES
13.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee collects, uses and otherwise processes personal information with reasonable care and in accordance with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements?
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- 电 话:021-51029391
- 电 话:400-680-0016
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- 昆山分公司:18601606556---林经理
- 地 址:昆山市花桥国际商务区兆丰路18号亚太广场1号楼9楼
- 苏州分公司:吴江区盛泽镇福建路205号
- 绍兴柯桥分公司:柯桥区禹会路555号中银国际大厦1208室
- 泉州分公司:0595-28069596---周经理
- 手机:18759967995
- 地 址:福建省泉州市温陵南路144号蟠龙大厦17D
- 宁波分公司:13615883698---周经理
- 山东分公司:18601606221---谢经理
- 温州办事处:18601606208----周经理
- 广东办事处:18601606206----周经理
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