编辑:中国验厂网 来源:本站原创 日期: 2015-03-23 16:08:52
Management System管理系统
1.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has set up an effective management system to implement the BSCI Code of Conduct?
是否设立有效的管理体系实施BSCI COC
1.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that a senior manager has been appointed to ensure that the BSCI values and principles are followed in a satisfactory manner?
1.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has a good overview of the significant business partners and their level of alignment with BSCI Code of conduct?
1.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee’s workforce capacity is properly organised to meet the expectations of the delivery order and/or contracts ?
1.5 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee monitors how its business partners observe the BSCI Code of Conduct?
被审核方观察商业伙伴如何遵守BSCI COC
1.6 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has developed the necessary policies and processes to prevent and address any adverse human rights impacts that may be detected in its supply chain?
1.7 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee manages its business relations in a responsible manner?
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