编辑:中国验厂网 来源:中国验厂网 日期: 2007-08-08 09:33:17
ü NEXT会识别那些在个人或职业操守准则方面,都与NEXT本身的操守准则相配合的供应商,并与他们合作。
ü NEXT认为其业务伙伴在个人方面理应奉公守法,在进行业务活动时理当遵守当地法规,包括遵行NEXT营运守则中的明确条款。
ü NEXT只会与那些为其雇员提供安全健康工作环境的供应商合作。供应商最少须完全遵守生产国有关劳工、健康、安全等方面的法律。
ü NEXT的供应商须重视个人尊严。他们不会役使奴隶、囚犯、或强迫劳动。他们会给予所有雇员合法的结社自由和集体谈判权利,以及在工作环境中,不受骚扰、虐待、侮辱、体罚的权益。他们会给予所有雇员的私人生活和家庭生活,也尊重他们在思想、良心、及宗教自由方面的权利。
ü NEXT了解及尊重不同文化上的差别。NEXT会寻求和识别供应商,是那些因才任用,不会论及性别、肤色、国籍、文化或宗教信仰、年龄、婚姻状况的。
ü NEXT的供应商必须遵行那些为保护环境而制订的国家法律和国际标准,这同时适用于原产国和出售产品的所在国。
ü NEXT鼓励其供应商为雇员提供培训及教育,尤其是青年工,好让他们能把工作做得更好。
NEX is a retail success story which has achieved and sustained an impressive rate of growth since it first started trading in the early 1980s.
The NEXT product range aims to be the brand of choice,whether shopping from store, by telephone or on-line, for
men and women who expect style, quality and value in everything they wear and choose for their home.
Whether a customer chooses to visit one of our retail stores, use the NEXT Directory or visit our website, the most powerful attraction continues to be the strength of the brand and a consistency of design, quality and value our customers know they can trust.
We hope that this brochure will provide you with a clearer understanding of who we are, what we do and the opportunities available for talented individuals interested in working with us to develop the NEXT concept for the future.
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