Guiding Principles for Suppliers to The Coca-Cola Company
编辑:中国验厂网 来源:中国验厂网 日期: 2010-10-27 09:43:38
Guiding Principles for Suppliers to
The Coca-Cola Company
We expect our suppliers to follow applicable laws, and similar standards and procedures in the countries in which they operate. The supplier agrees that it must be able to demonstrate its compliance with these requirements at the request of and to the satisfaction of The Coca-Cola Company.
Laws and Regulations
Supplier will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and requirements in the manufacture and distribution of our products and supplies and in providing services to the company
Child Labor
Supplier will not use child labor as defined by local law
Forced Labor
Supplier will not use forced or compulsory labor
Abuse of Labor
Supplier will not physically abuse labor
Collective Bargaining
Supplier will respect employees’ rights to choose whether to be represented by third parties and to bargain collectively in accordance with law
Wages and Benefits
Wages and benefits will comply with local law
Working Hours and Overtime
Working hours and overtime will comply with local law
Health and Safety
Working conditions will comply with local regulations
Supplier will comply with all applicable environmental laws
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- 电 话:021-51029391
- 电 话:400-680-0016
- 地 址:上海市嘉定区南翔镇银翔路655号
- 昆山分公司:18601606556---林经理
- 地 址:昆山市花桥国际商务区兆丰路18号亚太广场1号楼9楼
- 泉州分公司:0595-28069596---周经理
- 地 址:福建省泉州市温陵南路144号蟠龙大厦17D
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- 山东分公司:18601606221---谢经理
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