ICTI 2007 申請表格
编辑:中国验厂网 来源:中国验厂网 日期: 2007-04-24 09:14:03
I. The Applicant
Name of Applicant (English) 工厂名称(英文) |
Name of Applicant (Local language) 工厂名称(中文) |
Physical Address (English) 地址(英文) |
Physical Address (Local language) 地址(中文) |
Country |
Does the Applicant have operations in other locations? 在其他地方有工厂吗? |
If yes, please specify the nature of these operations: |
Have the Applicant applied for the ICTI CARE Process before? 之前有申請过吗? |
Yes |
No |
Does the applicant currently hold an ICTI CARE Seal of Compliance? 已取得ICTI证书吗? |
Yes If yes, please provide Seal number: |
No |
II. Applicant’s contact point for the ICTI CARE Process
Full Name 联系人姓名 |
Job title 职务 |
Email address 电邮 |
Phone number 电话 |
Mobile number 手机 |
Fax number 传真 |
III. Information about Applicant’s manufacturing
Number of employees 雇员人数 |
Peak season 旺季 |
Low season 淡季 workers other staff |
During audit 认证时 workers other staff |
Total production area (m2) 工厂面积 |
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